Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification
About Me
Client List
HTSC Class.
Pipeline Pilot
Cmpd Mgmt

May 13, 2014
A combined yearly license/maintenance Pricing Model is now available.
A new publication Caspofungin Review was published.

January 2013
Allergan was added to my Client List as a fee-for-service client.

September 25, 2012
Amgen was added to my Client List.
The application is now compatible with ChemDraw .cdx files

June 13, 2012
Schedule B for export from the US was added to the application.

January 30, 2012
The recommended World Customs Organization 2012 modifications to the HTSUS were added to the application.

January 26, 2012
See my article entitled "Harmonized Tariff Schedule Classification, Importation of Organic Chemicals into the U. S." .

January 15, 2011
Fee for Service now available as a new Pricing Model

October 29, 2010
Boehringer-Ingelheim added to my Client List